Let’s face it, in an internet driven world, it’s not hard to imagine that all of your marketing is limited to your website, social media, or local apps. When a homeowner wants a deck built or their kitchen remodeled, they go to the local Facebook groups,
“Does anyone have any recommendations for a kitchen remodeler…”
You dedicate yourself to commenting on every thread you can find, making sure they know that you’re licensed, insured, a Class A, B, or C Contractor, and have availability for a free quote this week. Maybe you’ll get the job, or maybe, they went with someone else...
It can be frustrating to constantly battle the ever changing marketing platforms and keep up with every new update. It can be incredibly beneficial to your business to incorporate social media, but is limited due to small marketing budgets. Besides, getting in front of the potential client is key to securing that contract.
Once you’ve met with the potential client, you then need to establish a connection over their future project; establishing goals, inspiration, details, and the all important budget. That can be hard to obtain when you’re working through phone calls, current job deadlines, and the homeowner’s schedule.
So why not meet them in the middle? At a Home Expo, you’re prepared with an engaging booth and all the materials you need to provide an educational experience and the homeowner has the time to listen. You’re prepared.
You’ll also be able to connect with other business owners and trades people who can understand what you’re going through. They’ve got the skills, advice, and stories that are similar to yours to know you’re not alone.
The key to a successful marketing plan is the goal: securing more leads which equal more clients with fun projects. So why not incorporate a Home Expo into your plan for 2024?
At the New River Valley Home Expo held at the Christiansburg Rec Center, you’ll be at the epicenter of a growing community that is looking for home building & remodeling resources. Plus, the attendees are specifically there for businesses like yours and want to cut out all the phone calls; they want to talk directly to you and your fellow vendors.
You’ll be able to connect with other vendors who can answer your questions. You’ll find finance professionals, Realtors & Marketing Coordinators, and even products you can incorporate to provide a more inclusive project.
Let 2024 be the time your business jumps into the Home Expo.